Healing is different from medicine. Society urges us to numb our pain, simultaneously causing us to ignore the source of our problems. Our symptoms are relieved for a time, only to pop up again later. We are mending the superficial wound, but not looking at what's beneath the surface causing the chronic issues and unhappiness. Healing looks at the whole body. Remedies in the form of medication, talk therapy, exercise, energy work, improved nutrition, and supplements work together to inspire change at the deeper level. Healing is taking the time to stop and figure out what it is I want, and how I am going to get there.
Healing encourages, requires, deeper change.
Healing encourages, requires, deeper change.
her·bal·ismIn addition to yogic instruction, Old Soul practitioners
also offer practical advice for those seeking to address overall health, and healing of non-critical medical issues ranging from anxiety and depression, skin issues, routine cases of cold and flu, to those looking for herbal support of chronic issues currently undergoing medical treatment. Herbalism is a gentle way to inspire human bodies to heal by working at very deep levels energetically and biochemically to enact change in the bodily systems. Old Soul practitioners will listen and offer advice on good nutrition, proper exercise, adequate amounts of rest, perform or recommend energetic healings and massage, as well as suggest herbs and supplements that will help the client to move towards a more healthy, whole, and happy disposition. mass·ageMassage has long been proven to aid with health and healing. Mental health, physical health, and emotional health. The mind body connection travels both directions. With stress and anxiety at an all time high, taking care to unwind has never been more important.
We utilize massage as a supplement to our program. It's benefits cannot be overstated! |
life coach·ingA life coach is a very specific type of person, and their abilities and history will differentiate them greatly one from the other.
At Old Soul Holistic, we offer the following services: Core Belief Assessment Core Belief Reprogramming Goal Setting Exploration of Self Through Art and Music Nature Connection Interpretation of Signs and Dreams Meditation Instruction Yoga Instruction Breathing and Other Exercises rei·kiReiki is an ancient healing practice. The Reiki practitioner helps to direct energy towards problem areas. While many may speculate as to how it works; we are more concerned with if it works.
In our experience, Reiki is a wonderful addition to traditional methods of healing. Studies have shown Reiki to be effective for pain management, stress and anxiety reduction, the cessation of depression, and constitutes another tool in the arsenal in the healing of chronic and acute illnesses. |